The Grimm brothers are one of the most famous storytellers on the planet. Everyone knows the tales and protagonists of these wonderful authors of the Bremen Town Musicians, King Thrushbeard, Snow White and Rose Red, The Brave Tailor, and many others. Their stories are still being translated into many different languages and reprinted each year in huge print runs....
he Brothers Grimm (Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm (1786–1859)) are German linguists and storytellers. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were the greatest experts on German folklore. They studied the grammar of Germanic languages, the history of law, and mythology. The tales of the Brothers Grimm are world famous. The most famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: Successful Trade, Brave Tailor, Clever Hans, Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, Straw, ember and bob, Mrs. , Snow White and Alotsvetik and of course the Bremen street musicians....